Winding Down for the Summer

Now that I’m finally starting to believe Winter is over and Summer is really here, our lessons are winding down.  (Yes, Winter really did feel that long!) We don’t ever stop lessons but it’s a shame to miss out on the wonderful weather and the chance to be outside and enjoy ourselves.

We are striving to finish the Saxon math books for each kid and we’re nearly done.  With over 120 lessons plus investigations, labs, tests and so on in each book, there’s more than a school year’s worth of lessons in each.  It makes the kids feel proud of themselves to totally finish the text book so we’re going to keep plugging along.

My youngest needs a new violin. She keeps growing even though I tell her not to.  She needs a full size so I will have to take her to the shop to try some violins out.  They will let us “loan” a few so we can take them home and see what our violin teacher thinks.  She could use my violin but then we wouldn’t be able to play together.

The eldest will be coming home from his internship for the week of his birthday (which is also Fourth of July weekend) so that will be a treat.  He’s halfway done with the internship.  He’ll be done at the end of July and then have 4 weeks before the Fall term starts up at college again.

I was considering doing a Summer Reading list like I’ve done in the past but the kids are already reading so much on their own and following their own interests that I don’t think it’s necessary.  The youngest is into the Kathryn Lasky Ga’Hoole series – she’s on Book 12.  The 16 year old is reading The Three Musketeers.  We just returned from the library and neither one of them checked any books out but I chose a few.  A Ramsay Campbell ghost story, a book on how to get published and a book filled with fun science experiments.

We’re heading to a street fair this week, which will be fun.  We might go to the beach on another day this week.  We also want to play Disc Golf (aka Frisbee golf) so I’ve been researching local courses. 


About savoire12

I'm a homeschooling mom of 3 awesome kids.
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